December 6, 2011

Predictions from the crystal ball

Good Morning, Evansville Courier and Press 

2012 predictions from Abbott’s crystal ball

I met Jeane Dixon once more than 30 years ago. The famous psychic and astrologer was speaking at Indiana-Purdue at Fort Wayne and I drove her to the airport, as part of my public relations job. We had a nice talk about nothing in particular.

That’s the closest I got to anything remotely psychic. I have no qualifications as a prognosticator but here are my unqualified predictions (guesses) for 2012. So maybe I’ll just state the obvious.

I’m looking into my crystal
ball and here’s what I see.

The economy will continue to be the main story for 2012, and its ramifications will reverberate across the world.

More Americans will go back to nature and “live off the grid.” Many people I’ve interviewed during 2011 talked about wanting to be more self-sustaining. More gardens are springing to life each spring, and canning has made resurgence. How ironic that we want to emulate the way our grandparents lived.

The movement to more online
education — universities and K-12 schools are becoming more flexible and offering programs that meet needs of working students and parents.

With more mobile devices present, online shopping will gain a greater hold of the market. There was no such thing as Cyber Monday even a few years ago. Just don’t shop and drive.

With the housing market still bleak and long-term care out of reach for many, multigenerational households will become more the norm, returning to a
time in history when grandparents, parents, and children lived under one roof.

I will win the Power Ball and endow all the arts and music programs in the Tri-State with unlimited funds.

OK, I realize you have to play to win, but a girl can dream, can’t she?

What’s your prediction for next year?

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Copyright © 2011 Evansville Courier & Press 12/06/2011