March 14, 2010

Simply Grateful

Years ago, author Sarah Ban Breathnach wrote about gratitude in the book "Simple Abundance." This book had a profound effect on me, and since that time I have been counting my blessings every morning. Recently I engaged Hermann (husband) in this process.

We want to focus on those things good in our life. That ever-present Bluebird of Unhappiness does occasionally crap in our nest.

So I've counting my blessings daily for years. Now Husband joins me and we share our gratitude.

Someday they are tiny things.

My items for yesterday:

1. I have a new teak flatware insert that makes me happy every time I set the table. The flatware is so neatly organized and the box such a great improvement over the brown, plastic dollar store version that it almost makes me want to cry.

2. My husband came home safely from a trip to Arizona, flying through all that awful weather.

3. My brother and my nephew are coming to visit today, while my nephew is on spring break from college.

Husband pointed out, without a tinge of irony, that the number one item on my list was about an inanimate piece of wood, and that HE was number two on my list. And nephew and brother were number three.

Fair enough, I was very glad to see him, especially when his flight was thirty minutes later. And I'm very excited about seeing my nephew and brother, and have the special cookies they like on hand. But the teak flatware box makes me smile three times a day!

Guess I had better get my priorities in order.